Artikel-Details Bodendüse 35 mm Ø

Bodendüse 35 mm Ø [600088] - Bodendüse 00573902 Staubsauger Bosch Privileg Siemens 600088 - Bodendüse Staubsaugerdüse Drehkippgelenk-Düse mit Leichtlaufrollen Fußumschalter für Teppich- und Hartfußböden Staubsauger Sauger Bosch Hanseatic Siemens

Durch Weiterentwicklungen und Verbesserungen der Herstellerwerke können die Bilder zum gelieferten Artikel abweichen.

Bodendüse 35 mm Ø

42,65 EUR
[inkl. 19% MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten]

Ab Hersteller-Lager lieferbar Ab Hersteller-Lager lieferbar

Artikel Daten:

Bodendüse 00573902 Staubsauger Bosch Privileg Siemens 600088

Abweichende Artikelbezeichnungen:

Drehkippgelenkdüse DrehkippgelenkLeichtlaufBodendüse Staubsaugerdüse Teppichbodendüse Harfußbodendüse Staubsaugerfuß Vacumaticdüse Variodüse

Technische Merkmale:

Drehkippgelenk-Düse mit Leichtlaufrollen
Fußumschalter für Teppich- und Hartfußböden

Für folgende Geräte einsetzbar:

Akkusauger Bodenstaubsauger Handstaubsauger Kesselsauger Sauger Saugroboter Staubsauger Staubsaugerroboter Zyklonstaubsauger


Bosch, Hanseatic, Siemens

Dieser Artikel passt für folgende Geräte
BGL35MOV19/01 BOSCH MoveOn Compressor Technology
BGL35MOVE1/01 BOSCH MoveOn Compressor Technology
BGL35MOVE2/01 BOSCH MoveOn Compressor Technology
BGL35MOVE3/01 BOSCH MoveOn Compressor Technology
BGL45ZOOO1/01 Bosch Zoo'o ProAnimal
BGS62130IL/01 BOSCH Roxx'x
BGS62130IL/02 BOSCH Roxx'x
BGS62130IL/03 BOSCH Roxx'x
BGS62130IL/04 BOSCH Roxx'x
BGS6SIL1/01 BOSCH Roxx'x ProSilence
BGS6SIL1AU/01 Roxx´x ProSilence
BSG61663/03 BOSCH parquet logo compressor technology
BSG61666/03 BOSCH logo compressor technology hepa
BSG61666/04 BOSCH logo compressor technology hepa
BSG61666/09 BOSCH logo compressor technology hepa
BSG61666GB/03 Bosch logo compressor technology hepa
BSG61831/01 logo hepa 1800 W
BSG61831/02 logo hepa 1800 W
BSG61831/03 logo hepa 1800 W
BSG61832/02 BOSCH logo hepa plus 1800W
BSG61832/03 BOSCH logo hepa plus 1800W
BSG61832/04 BOSCH logo hepa plus 1800W
BSG71266/20 BOSCH formula hygienixx Pro Energy compressor tech
BSG71266GB/17 BOSCH formula hygienixx Pro Energy compressor tech
BSG71666/07 Bosch formula hygienixx compressor technology hepa
BSG71666/14 Bosch formula hygienixx compressor technology hepa
BSG71835/01 Bosch formula hepa 1800 Watt
BSG71835/03 Bosch formula hepa 1800 Watt
BSG71835/04 Bosch formula hepa 1800 Watt
BSG71835/07 Bosch formula hepa 1800 Watt
BSG71840/01 formula hepa 1800W
BSG71840/02 formula hepa 1800W
BSG71840/03 formula hepa 1800W
BSG71840/04 formula hepa 1800W
BSG71840/05 formula hepa 1800W
BSG71840/07 formula hepa 1800W
BSG71842/04 BOSCH Formula hepa plus 1800W
BSG71842/07 BOSCH Formula hepa plus 1800W
BSG71842/10 BOSCH Formula hepa plus 1800W
BSG71842/16 BOSCH Formula hepa plus 1800W
BSG81313UC/06 ultra 11 Amps/1300W
BSG81335UC/01 Ultra Health Guard 1400W 12Amps
BSG81335UC/03 Ultra Health Guard 1400W 12Amps
BSG81365UC/01 Ultra Health Guard Plus 1400W 12Amps
BSG81365UC/03 Ultra Health Guard Plus 1400W12Amps
BSG81396UC/01 Ultra Platinum 1450W 12Amps
BSG81396UC/03 Ultra Platinum 1450W 12Amps
BSG81623/01 BOSCH ergomaxx professional ProParquet3 compressor
BSG81623/09 BOSCH ergomaxx professional ProParquet3 compressor
BSG81623/10 BOSCH ergomaxx professional ProParquet3 compressor
BSG81623/14 BOSCH ergomaxx professional ProParquet3 compressor
BSG81623/15 BOSCH ergomaxx professional ProParquet3 compressor
BSG81666/01 Bosch ergomaxx professional compressor technology
BSG81666/09 Bosch ergomaxx professional compressor technology
BSG81666/10 Bosch ergomaxx professional compressor technology
BSG81666/14 Bosch ergomaxx professional compressor technology
BSG81666/15 Bosch ergomaxx professional compressor technology
BSG81880/01 ergomaxx dual filtration technology 1800
BSG81880GB/01 ergomaxx 1800W dual filtration technolog
BSG81885/01 ergomaxx dual filtration technology 1800
BSG82020/04 ergomaxx hepa 2000W
BSG82020/09 ergomaxx hepa 2000W
BSG82020/10 ergomaxx hepa 2000W
BSG82022/01 Ergomaxx proparquet premium 2000W
BSG82022GB/01 ergomaxx ProParquet 2000W
BSG82030/01 ergomaxx hepa 2000W
BSG82030AU/01 ergomaxx hepa 2000W
BSG82032/04 BOSCH ergomaxx hepa plus 2000W
BSG82032/05 BOSCH ergomaxx hepa plus 2000W
BSG82040/01 ergomaxx hepa active 2000W
BSG82040/04 ergomaxx hepa active 2000W
BSG82050/01 ergomaxx hepa 2000W
BSG82050/04 ergomaxx hepa 2000W
BSG82060/01 ergomaxx hepa activ 2000W
BSG82060CH/01 ergomaxx hepa active 2000W
BSG82060CH/02 ergomaxx hapa active 2000W
BSG82070/01 ergomaxx hepa activ 2000W
BSG82077/01 Ergomaxx prohygienic hepa 2000w
BSG82077AU/01 Bosch ergomaxx Pro Hygienic hepa 2000 W
BSG82077AU/10 Bosch ergomaxx Pro Hygienic hepa 2000 W
BSG82077CH/01 Bosch ergomaxx Pro Hygienic hepa 2000 W
BSG82077CH/10 Bosch ergomaxx Pro Hygienic hepa 2000 W
BSG82090/01 ergomaxx hepa activ 2000W
BSG82090/02 ergomaxx hepa active 2000W
BSG82222/01 ergomaxx Pro Parquet 2200 W
BSG82230/02 Bosch ergomaxx professional Pro Hygienic hepa 2200
BSG82230/09 Bosch ergomaxx professional Pro Hygienic hepa 2200
BSG82230/10 Bosch ergomaxx professional Pro Hygienic hepa 2200
BSG82230/14 Bosch ergomaxx professional Pro Hygienic hepa 2200
BSG82230/15 Bosch ergomaxx professional Pro Hygienic hepa 2200
BSG82230CH/01 Bosch ergomaxx professional 2200W
BSG82230CH/10 Bosch ergomaxx professional 2200W
BSG82230CH/14 Bosch ergomaxx professional 2200W
BSG82277/01 ergomaxx Pro Hygienic 2200 W
BSG82422/01 Bosch ergomaxx professional Pro Parquet hepa 2400W
BSG82422/10 Bosch ergomaxx professional Pro Parquet hepa 2400W
BSG82422/14 Bosch ergomaxx professional Pro Parquet hepa 2400W
BSG82422/15 Bosch ergomaxx professional Pro Parquet hepa 2400W
BSG82422/17 Bosch ergomaxx professional Pro Parquet hepa 2400W
BSG82425/02 Bosch ergomaxx professional ProAnimal Hair 2400W
BSG82425/10 Bosch ergomaxx professional ProAnimal Hair 2400W
BSG82425/14 Bosch ergomaxx professional ProAnimal Hair 2400W
BSG82425/17 Bosch ergomaxx professional ProAnimal Hair 2400W
BSG82425/18 Bosch ergomaxx professional ProAnimal Hair 2400W
BSG82425N/18 Bosch ergomaxx professional ProAnimal Hair 2400 W
BSG82425N/23 Bosch ergomaxx professional ProAnimal Hair 2400 W
BSG82433/17 ergomaxx professional Pro Parquet hepa
BSG82433/23 ergomaxx professional Pro Parquet hepa
BSG82480/08 BOSCH ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2
BSG82480/10 BOSCH ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2
BSG82480/14 BOSCH ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2
BSG82480/15 BOSCH ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2
BSG82480/17 BOSCH ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2
BSG82480/19 BOSCH ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2
BSG82480AU/10 BOSCH ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2
BSG82480AU/14 BOSCH ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2
BSG82480AU/15 BOSCH ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2
BSG82480AU/17 BOSCH ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2
BSG82485/01 ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2400W
BSG82485/08 ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2400W
BSG82485/10 ergomaxx professional bag and bagless hepa 2400W
BSG82490/02 Bosch ergomaxx professional hepa active 2400W
BSG82490/10 Bosch ergomaxx professional hepa active 2400W
BSG82502/01 BOSCH ergomaxx professional hard floor 2500W
BSG82502/12 BOSCH ergomaxx professional hard floor 2500W
BSG82502/14 BOSCH ergomaxx professional hard floor 2500W
BSG82502/15 BOSCH ergomaxx professional hard floor 2500W
BSG82502/17 BOSCH ergomaxx professional hard floor 2500W
BSG82502/23 BOSCH ergomaxx professional hard floor 2500W
BSG8PRO1/02 BOSCH home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO1/09 BOSCH home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO1/10 BOSCH home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO1/15 BOSCH home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO11/02 BOSCH Home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO11/09 BOSCH Home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO11/10 BOSCH Home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO11/15 BOSCH Home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO12/09 BOSCH Home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO12/15 BOSCH Home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO1AU/10 BOSCH Home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO1AU/15 BOSCH Home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO1GB/02 BOSCH Home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO1GB/09 BOSCH Home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO1GB/10 BOSCH Home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO1GB/15 BOSCH Home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO1GB/22 BOSCH Home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO2/09 BOSCH Home Professional long-life compressor
BSG8PRO2/15 BODCH Home Professional long-life compressor
BSGL32260/03 BOSCH GL-30 2200W hepa parquet
BSGL412M1/01 BOSCH GL-40 Exclusiv Compressor Technology
BSGL41666/01 BOSCH GL-40 Compressor Technology hepa
BSGL41674/01 BOSCH GL-40 Compressor Technology parquet hepa
BSGL51300/01 BOSCH Free'e compressor technology
BSGL51300/02 BOSCH Free'e compressor technology
BSGL51310/01 BOSCH Free'e Compressor Technology
BSGL51310/02 BOSCH Free'e Compressor Technology
BSGL51325/01 BOSCH Free'e ProAnimal Hair
BSGL51325/02 BOSCH Free'e ProAnimal Hair
BSGL51332/01 BOSCH Free'e compressor technology
BSGL51332/08 BOSCH Free'e compressor technology
BSGL51338/02 BOSCH Free'e ProParquet
BSGL513M1/01 BOSCH Free'e EXCLUSIV Compressor Technology
BSGL513M1/02 BOSCH Free'e EXCLUSIV Compressor Technology
BSGL52221/02 BOSCH Free'e 2200W
BSGL52225/02 BOSCH Free'e Pro Animal 2200W
BSGL52232/01 BOSCH Free'e 2200W
BSGL52233/01 Free'e Pro Parquet 2200W
BSGL52233/02 Free'e Pro Parquet 2200W
BSGL52237/02 BOSCH Free'e 2200W
BSGL52238/02 BOSCH Pro Parquet 2200W
BSGL52242/01 BOSCH Free'e 2200W ProAnimal Hair
BSGL52242/02 BOSCH Free'e 2200W ProAnimal Hair
BSGL5242AU/02 Free'e Parquet Specialist, Hepa, 2400 W
BSGL52444/02 BOSCH Free'e 2400W
BSGL5244AU/02 BOSCH Free'e Animal Hepa+TurboBrush 2400W Made in
BSGL5255AU/02 Free'e All Floor Specialist, Hepa, 2500 W
BSGL5PET1/02 Zoo'o ProAnimal
BSGL5PRO1/01 BOSCH Free'e Home Professional
BSGL5PRO1/08 BOSCH Free'e Home Professional
BSGL5PRO3/02 BOSCH Home Professional
BSGL5ZOOAU/02 Zoo'o ProAnimal
BSGL5ZOOAU/09 Zoo'o ProAnimal
BSGL5ZOOCH/07 Zoo'o ProAnimal
BSGL5ZOOCH/09 Zoo'o ProAnimal
BSGL5ZOODE/02 Zoo'o ProAnimal
BSGL5ZOOO1/02 Zoo'o ProAnimal
BSGL5ZOOO1/09 Zoo'o ProAnimal
BSGL5ZOOO3/02 Zoo'o ProAnimal
BSGL62544/01 BOSCH GL60 2500W
BSGL62544/03 BOSCH GL60 2500W
BX32131/04 BOSCH BX3 hepa 2100 W
BX32131/05 BOSCH BX3 hepa 2100 W

Gerät in der Auflistung nicht gefunden, bzw passt dieser Artikel auch in mein Gerät?
Das passende Ersatzteil für Ihr Gerät finden sie mit der Gerätesuche

Zusammenfassung der Artikelmerkmale:

Drehkippgelenkdüse DrehkippgelenkLeichtlaufBodendüse Staubsaugerdüse Teppichbodendüse Harfußbodendüse Staubsaugerfuß Vacumaticdüse Variodüse

Eigenschaften und Aufdrucke:

Drehkippgelenk-Düse mit Leichtlaufrollen
Fußumschalter für Teppich- und Hartfußböden

Geeignet für folgende Hausgeräte:

Akkusauger Bodenstaubsauger Handstaubsauger Kesselsauger Sauger Saugroboter Staubsauger Staubsaugerroboter Zyklonstaubsauger


Bosch, Hanseatic, Siemens